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And what are the benefits

Swedish massage is a gentle and relaxing massage, working with the muscles and soft tissues to create a feeling of calm and wellbeing. The goal of Swedish massage is to give total relaxation, relive tension and improve the blood circulation through gentle and soothing movements . It’s therefore quite different from deep tissue massage or sports massage. The techniques involve soft strokes over areas which are more prone to pain, or without much muscle coverage. Where the muscles are thicker, the pressure is changed and the massage is deeper.


Swedish massage also includes some stretching and focuses on flexibility of joints. The massage therapist will use long, stroking motions in the direction of blood flow towards the heart – in order to open up the blood vessels and increase the blood flow. Increased blood flow means that the muscles are getting more nutrients and oxygen and that the body is removing toxins more efficiently. The increased warmth is soothing and eases sore muscles. 

 With the increased blood circulation, it helps the flow of white blood cells, nutrients and oxygen to heal an area and improve recovery. This can help towards easing of muscle pain and an improved immune system. The white blood cells also help the body fighting infections.  


Massage can also reduce cortisol, which is a stress hormone that can hinder the ability of the immune system. Stress can cause our muscles to tense; we are bracing for the fight or flight response. Stress can be useful, it can help us making a deadline or winning a competition. But if we are often stressed, our muscles will not get a chance to relax and recover. Therefore they will stay tense, which can cause muscle pain. Swedish massage can relieve the tension and allow the muscles to relax and therefore help with the psychical stress. In turn, this can also help improve your posture as muscles are no longer forced to overcompensate. 


 Unfortunately, many of us live stressful lives with busy schedules and demanding careers. Your body and mind are connected when it comes to stress. One can affect the other, and having a relaxing massage can help relive tension, improve relaxation and reduce stress levels. Massage has been scientifically proven to release a range of hormones in our bodies, such as oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins and dopamine. So the "feel good" feeling actually comes from chemicals in your body. 


One of the chemicals we mention above – serotonin – is vital for healthy sleep patterns. It helps you go to sleep more easily and also to stay asleep. This is why many people choose to have their massages in the late afternoon or early evening. This is also a fabulous reason to have your massage treatment done at home; you don’t have to head out into a bustling world afterwards. Instead, you get to maximise the relaxation in the comfort of your own home.

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